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Showing posts from February, 2021

Activity 2.3 Island Biogeography Simulation Report

 Introduction 1.0: Biogeography is the study of life in certain spaces and time, which includes the process of how life got there. Due to this complex and broad study, biogeography unifies many sciences such as biology, ecology, geology, meteorology, climatology, and genetics. Although naturalists such as Alfred Russell Wallace set down the basic principles for biogeography, it was not considered as a formal study until the 1960’s when theories on plate tectonics and continental drift was an accepted theory (Holsinger, 2012). In studying biogeography, one sees the importance of biodiversity and the significance in keeping a balance in the ecological cycle.  Hamecha-Daniels, [Narjess]. (n.d.). The Importance of Biodiversity. [Pinterest Post]. Pinterest. Retrieved February 23,2021, 1.1: Island Biogeography  Biogeography can be broken up into subcategories as most academic subjects can. Scientists who study island biogeograph...