Problem: Dallas has had a reputation of zoning racism for as long as the slavery emancipation acknowledgement of Juneteenth. You can see this in Paul Quinn College’s map of “Poisoned by Zip Code” (2020). The Joppa community and its surrounding neighbors are within approximately 2 miles of several industrial plants and cites including Shingle Mountain. Marsha Jackson is a voice and advocate who went unheard for several months, in regards to her extremely close neighbor, the horrendous polluting illegal shingle recycling company and their infamous Shingle Mountain. I mmediate issues and what calls for action-oriented answers : For two years, Marsha Jackson and about 100 of her neighbors have had to breathe in the toxic air of the crushed shingles and watch from their yard as the pile of shingles kept growing to reach the height of a six-story building, approximately 60 feet tall and stretching more than a city block (Washington Post, 2020). They eventually came to name this ...
Environmental Justice: Environmental Justice is the fairness and equality of who benefits from green space and how and where our waste is distributed. That these benefits and burdens will not be located based on social class, race, or culture. That policies and regulations be made for the sake of all humans and species that live on this planet. That we create a diverse world where we embrace cultures from all around the world and respect their environment and the land they live off of. Environmental Justice Health Alliance for Chemical Policy Reform (EJHA) Environmental Racism: Environmental Racism is a system where populations that hold minorities or people of color are given the burden of living near toxic waste sites that affect their water, air, and health. Policies and regulations purposely discriminate when deciding where to locate hazardous waste facilities or determining where to mine for resources. Included with this discrimination, is also poor working c...